
Is your customer's wish your demand?

January 19, 2024

We have all heard the mantra that ‘the customer is always right’. In fact, famed retailer Stew Leonard's in the US has a huge carved stone in the entry way, that reinforces this statement. It says,

Rule 1: The customer is always right.

Rule 2: If the customer is ever wrong, re-read rule 1

Customer Service policy

Growing a catering business through great customer service

I didn’t need to see this sign to understand the meaning of this type of service, as it was drilled into me at an early age. I grew up in the hospitality industry, a small family business. It was this type of service that kept us in business and growing.

After years in the industry I have received a lot of customer feedback. A great example: “If you give me a discount on this order, I will give you more business than you can handle in the future…” I was so excited and yes, the discount was done. The customer’s wish was my command. Great event. The customer loved everything. I waited for the phone to ring - nothing. I called, left voice mail. Result: no new business.

In the catering business we are always asked for a favor: could you substitute this for that? Can you add a little more? Can you create a new menu item just for me? As hospitality professionals we want to please, but knowing the right times to say “yes” is what’s important.

Tips for successful drop off catering

There are many important things that must happen to deliver on your promise for successful drop off catering. Providing high quality great tasting food, presented well, is number 1. You’ve got to deliver to the right place at the right time otherwise it will not matter how fantastic the food was; you will have an unhappy customer.

Saying Yes is important to growing your business, knowing when to say “Yes” and when to say “No” is up to you, as each request will have some effect on your staff, kitchen and your profitability. And that’s where Spoonfed comes in. Our catering management software provides a comprehensive system to manage your online orders, back office order entry, production, delivery, payment and invoicing processing, taking the stress out of handling special requests that differ from your menu.

Stay profitable with Spoonfed

No one can tell you what is right for you business. When it is right to say that dreaded word in the catering business: ‘No’. Will you let a customer make a menu substitution without an additional charge? Should you give a specific customer a permanent discount on a menu? Spoonfed will work with you to remain profitable.

We’d love to know your own experiences of times you’ve done something for a customer and it’s been a great success. Tell us about a time when a Customer's Wish, Was Your Command. How did you did you say yes, and stay profitable?

And we would like to hear about the times when it didn’t work out the way you wanted it to. After all, we all learn from each other. We would love to hear from you!

Email us at hello@getspoonfed.com